Polybench® Reference
High pass first order filter (Recursive)

Highpass Filter


This is a recursive high-pass filter that supresses signal frequencies lower than the cut-off frequency for all channels at the input seperately.

Operator ports

Input S: Floating point values

Output HP(S): Floating point values


Find more information about changing properties here: "Properties Viewer"

type: See description
The cut-off frequency in Hz

type: See description
The time constant T of the filter in seconds.

type: Word or phrase
The name of the object in the project. This name must not contain '.', '$' nor '@' characters.

For more information about the rules and usage of the Caption property, please refer to "Caption property - background and usage".

type: See description
Optional documentation of this object. If this object is an operator, the Documentation text is displayed below the operator symbol.

Variable Parameters

Find more information about Variable Parameters here: "Variable Parameters"

type: See description
The cut-off frequency in Hz

type: See description
The time constant T of the filter in seconds.


The high-pass filter algorithm is equal to the input signal minus the low-pass filtered input signal ("Lowpass Filter"):

y(n) = x(n) - k * y(n-1) + (1 - k) * x(n)

where k = e ^ ( -1 / ( Fs / (2 * PI * Fc) ) )

Fs is the sample frequency,
PI is 3.1415...,
Fc is the cut-off frequency setting,
x(n) is the input sample value,
y(n) is the output sample value,
y(n-1) is the previous output sample value

The time constant Tc and the cut-off frequency Fc have the following relation:

Fc = 1 / (2 * PI * Tc)

If the filter setting contains a wrong value (not a number or a wrong number), then the filter symbol will indicate this and will not output a valid signal anymore.

It is not allowed to connect a constant to the input of the filter (since a constant does not have a time component).


Example: Recursive Filter Demo
Demonstrates the High Pass and Low Pass standard filters