Polybench® Reference
Polybench Scientific Runtime is a program that runs measurement configurations and apps with graphical user interfaces.

Polybench Scientific Runtime


Polybench Scientific Runtime (PolybenchRun.exe) is a program you can start from your Windows Start Menu, or from the Polybench Manager program. Using this program, you can only run existing Projects.


Pre-defined start-up arguments of PolybenchRun.exe

PolybenchRun.exe can be started up from a script or from the Windows Explorer, optionally with the following arguments:
Get a list of start-up arguments. Polybench is then closed immediately.

/program:"[path to an XMC file]"
Specifies a path to an .XMC file, that is to be loaded in Polybench Designer. If the file does not exist, Polybench will issue a warning and exit immediately.

/data:"[path to recording file]"
Specifies a path to a recording file, that will be set to the internal global variable $data$. See the File Replay operator for more information on how to load a file in the /data argument into the project at start-up.
If the file does not exist, Polybench will issue a warning and exit immediately.

In the opened application, the specified path is available from the global variable $data$.

Start the specified program (see /program) in a window, and not completely full screen

Specifies that the XMC program is a data review program (post process). Polybench will then use the in the patient management selected measurement as source for data analysis.

Specifies the language for the user interface of the application that is loaded. Polybench looks in the directory Languages and tries to find a directory with the name as specified in this argument. If that directory is found, then the language files will be loaded for the .XMC program that is loaded.

Specifies that no libraries are loaded that were installed separately from the main installation (external libraries). If no external libraries are known to be used, then this may make loading the application more efficiently.

Free start-up arguments

Additionally to the above pre-defined arguments, you may define your own start-up arguments in the form /[argument_name]:"[value]". The argument name must not contain spaces! This argument is then available as global variable that contains the specified value.

For example, if you use the start-up argument /MyFirstVar:"Hello World", then if the loaded project contains a Variable Viewer that specifies the Address $MyFirstVar$, it will then display Hello World.