Polybench® for biosignals / reference 1.34.1
Connects to the Data Manager to display and control patient and measurement meta-data

Data Browser


This operator allows to browse and search patient and measurement data in the Data Manager.

Patient records ("Patient Record") and measurement sessions ("Measurement Session Record") can be stepped through, and using intelligent queries, specific patient data can be obtained.

Operator ports

This operator does not have inputs nor outputs. It cannot be connected to anything. You are free to place it anywhere on a design page.


Find more information about changing properties here: "Properties Viewer"

type: Word or phrase
The name of the object in the project. This name must not contain '.', '$' nor '@' characters.

For more information about the rules and usage of the Caption property, please refer to "Caption property - background and usage".

type: See description
Optional documentation of this object. If this object is an operator, the Documentation text is displayed below the operator symbol.

Variable Parameters

Find more information about Variable Parameters here: "Variable Parameters"

type: See description
Each time you call the function NextPatient, this count is decreased by one. If the last patient has been selected, this count is 0.

Use this counter for automatic browsing through all patient records.

type: See description
Each time you call the function NextSession, this count is decreased by one. If the last session has been selected, this count is 0.

Use this counter for automatic browsing through all measurement session records.

type: See description
Each time you call the function NextFile, this count is decreased by one. If the last file has been selected, this count is 0.

Use this counter for automatic browsing through all recording files of a measurement session.

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
This parameter list contains all items in the current patient record. Use a Variable Viewer or List Viewer to read the different items.

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
This parameter list contains the names of all labels in the current patient record. Use a Variable Viewer or List Viewer to read the different labels.

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
A list that contains all measurement information of the currently selected measurement session.

The items that are not grayed out can be changed from within your application. Changes are immediately reflected in the Data Manager.
For an overview of items that are shown in the list, please refer to the Measurement Session Record ("Measurement Session Record").

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
A list that contains all recording file information of the currently selected recording file.

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
List of files in the currently selected measurement session. For each file the name is the stream alias, and the value is the file path.

You may copy the file path to for example the AbsolutePath variable of a File Replay ("File Replay"), in order to play the file.

type: See description
Count of session files in the SessionFiles list

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
List of variables in the currently selected measurement session. You may change any of the variables.

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
List of measurement sessions that were selected using the last session query (see function QuerySessions). By default shows all available sessions.

type: See description
Count of sessions in the Sessions list

type: Parameter list (see "Parameter List")
List of patients that were selected using the last patient query (see function QueryPatients)

type: See description
Count of patient records in the Patients list


Find more information about Functions here: "Operator Functions"

Gets all the patient records from the Data Manager that are described by the query.
The query that filters certain patient records from the Data Manager. If empty, all patient records are returned. Read more about search queries here: "Query and search patient records".

Set the first patient in the current list of patient records active, to see its contents.

Set the next patient in the current list of patient records active, to see its contents.

Set the first session in the current list of measurement sessions active, to see its contents.

Set the next session in the current list of measurement sessions active, to see its contents.

Set the first file in the current list of recording files of the selected measurement session active, to see its contents.

Set the next file in the current list of recording files active, to see its contents.


Please note that this operator only works if a Data Manager is running on the same computer, because this operator communicates with the Data Manager in order to get data.