Polybench® for biosignals / reference 1.34.1
Calculates the nth percentile of a windowed number of samples.

nth Percentile


Calculates the Nth percentile of the data set, indicated by the specified window, where N is a value greater or equal to 0, and less than 100.

Operator ports

Input S: Floating point values

Output percentile: Floating point values


Find more information about changing properties here: "Properties Viewer"

type: See description
The moving window size as number of samples (must be greater than 0)

type: See description
The value N for the Nth percentile. Must be a value greater or equal to 0, and less than 100.

type: Word or phrase
The name of the object in the project. This name must not contain '.', '$' nor '@' characters.

For more information about the rules and usage of the Caption property, please refer to "Caption property - background and usage".

type: See description
Optional documentation of this object. If this object is an operator, the Documentation text is displayed below the operator symbol.

Variable Parameters

Find more information about Variable Parameters here: "Variable Parameters"

type: See description
The moving window size as number of samples (must be greater than 0)

type: See description
The value N for the Nth percentile. Must be a value greater or equal to 0, and less than 100.


Note that the 25th percentile equals the 1st quartile, the 50th percentile equals the 2nd quartile and also the median, and the 75th percentile equals the 3rd quartile.

Assume you have set the Percentile property to 30, then for each input sample, the output sample value indicates that approximately 30% of the samples in the current window are less than that output sample value.

If the specified percentile value does not exactly point to one sample in the window of samples, then a weighted average of the values of the two adjacent samples is taken (linear interpolation).