Polybench® Reference
Viewer that shows information from all devices and data sources that are registered and used in the current project.

Device Support Viewer


Information and logs are shown for all data sources and devices that are used in the current project, or that have been used in previously closed projects in the same instance of Polybench Designer.

This information is mainly used for support purposes, or finding problems with devices.

User Interface

1. Open Help button
Opens the help document for this dialog.

2. Selection list
Select the data source of which you want to see logs and information.

3. Refresh
Refreshes the currently shown information.

4. Copy
Copies all text in the textbox to the Windows Clipboard. You may use this feature to copy the text into for example an email to our support.

5. Close
Closes the dialog.


Information that is shown in this dialog is an extract of the Device or File Information Record "Device or File Information Record".