Image Repository Editor
Tool that allows you to add and remove images to and from the Image Repository ("Repositories Overview") of your project, and to specify their reference names.User Interface

1. Open Help
Opens the help page for this dialog.2. Items list
Lists the names of images in the image repository. Click a name in this list to select the image for viewing or modifying.3. Add [Space]...
Adds a new image to the repository. A name for the image is suggested, but you may change that as long as the name is unique.4. Add image File name...
Adds a new image to the repository, which is stored as a file name. A name for the image is suggested, but you may change that as long as the name is unique. Note that the image file should be on every computer your application is run.5. Re name [F2]...
Changes the name of the selected image in the project. This affects all the objects in your project that use this image!6. Remove [Del]...
Removes the selected image from the repository. This may save a lot of memory and disk space for your project. Note that the removal of an image may affect objects in your project.7. Image viewer
Here, the currently selected image is displayed. The images are displayed using their original aspect ratio, which means that the images are not stretched to fit the window.8. OK
Accept the changes and closes the dialog.9. Cancel
Rejects the changes and closes the dialog.
The idea of the Image Repository is that you store the images that you use in your project on a central place in your project. The reason for that is that it is more efficient and it is easier to change images afterwards.Every image will be given a name, either by Polybench or by you. It doesn't matter what name you give to it, as long as the name has a meaning to you for the image, and the name is unique for one image.
Everywhere you use an image in your project, you just have to select the name of the intended image in the repository, in stead of opening a file dialog to select it on your computer.
Spaces in the name are allowed. For efficiency reasons it is better to choose a name that is not too long.
This dialog allows you to add images from disk, to change the image, to change the image name or to remove the image from the repository.
There are two ways in which you can add an image to your project: add an image that is stored internally or add an image of which only the file name is stored. If the image is stored internally, the image is always available, independently from the computer on which you run the project. If the image is referred to be a file name, then the image must be copied separately with the project. If the image cannot be found, nothing is displayed.
Below the image some information about the image is displayed. If the image is stored by file reference, then the file name and path are displayed. The file name is displayed using a global variable for common file paths in Windows.
Note that images that are stored internally will make your project .XMC file much bigger! If you use images, please take care that they have a resolution that is not higher than required (to save space) and when possible use a compressed image type in stead of a raw bitmap.
We would suggest to use .PNG format images, because of good lossless compression rates and because the format can be used freely. .JPG images are good for photographic images. .BMP images should be avoided, because they are very large.