Delete Measurements
Use this dialog to delete measurements and patient data.You can either delete data permanently, or remove it from the Data Manager and copy a back-up to the deleted measurements folder, which is specified in the Options dialog ("Options").
User Interface
Delete a selection of data

1. Remove patient selector
Shows the currently selected patient. Click on this field, to select or de-select the option to delete all data of this patient. If this field is not selected, then measurements may be deleted, but the patient file is not.2. Measurement list
Lists all measurements of the selected patient. Select one or more of those and then press Delete.3. Restore...
Press to get information about how to restore measurements.4. Delete
Accept the selection and start moving the selected files to the deleted measurements folder.5. Cancel
Cancel deletion. Nothing will be deleted and the dialog closes.6. Check box
Check this checkbox if you want to delete the selected items permanently. The deleted items cannot be restored, so be careful with this option!
How to delete
You can delete one or more measurements. Click on each measurement name to select or deselect. For each selected measurement all internal files will be deleted. If deleting is ready, a list of all files that were deleted is shown.You can also choose to delete the complete patient with all its measurements. In order to do that, click the name of the patient at the top of the list.
Note that it is not possible to delete single files.
How to restore previously deleted measurements
If you did not select to delete the data permanently, then the data files can be recovered after deleting them. Recordings and sessions that have been deleted are copied to the deleted measurements folder. Using the Import dialog ("Import Measurements"), the data can be brought back to the Data Manager.After deleting, in the deleted measurements folder a folder is made for the current patient. That folder has the same name as it had before deleting. All the deleted measurement sessions are copied into that folder.
To restore a complete patient with all its measurements, the patient folder is simply copied back to the folder where the other patients are. To restore a measurement, the measurement session folder is copied from the deleted measurements folder into the patient folder of choice.